若いfilm directer. とてもきちんととした男の子です。ノースモカー。ベルリンにshort film を撮影に来ています。7月から入居できる部屋を探したています。可能であれば、6月半ばより希望。住所登録は希望してないです。400ー450 euro 希望。どなたかご存知の方連絡ください!
以下、彼のメツセージです。Hi There!
I'm a film director who moved to Berlin to freelance and work on an ambitious short film and am currently looking for a room to rent in Berlin from the month of July and onwards(renting from June is also possible). I'm an optimistic, open-minded and energetic person who's up for socialising with his flatmates, doing drinks, cooking together, watching movies ,and that kind of stuff, but am also fine with all of us doing our own thing. I respect people's privacy😌. I don't smoke or have pets. I make pretty solid cocktails and cook a mean vegetarian Chicken Teriyaki🍛. And yes, I'm house-trained😅. I speak a little bit of German and understand most of it. In terms of my work, I mostly do fashion videos, commercials and digital content.
I'd preferably not sublet for a short period of time. But am open to anything from Jul/Jun till Okt.
Ideally speaking I'm looking for an unfurnished room or a room where I can at least fit my own bed in. However I am open to the idea of moving into a place where this is not possible.