お部屋を探しています - any info would be appreciated:)
去年の7月にロンドンのRoyal College of Artを卒業し、今年の10月からベルリンで生活をしています。
もしどなたかお心当たりがあれば、WhatsApp +44 7398681196 もしくはメールアドレス maya.erin0205@gmail.com、携帯 +44 07727952190までご連絡いただけると幸いです。
Hello ! I’m Maya, a researcher studying and researching the intersection of technology + art at Universitat der Kunst Berlin :). I completed my Masters in Royal College of Art in the UK and moved to Berlin 6 months ago.
I am struggling to find a mid-to-long-term flat from April in Berlin and I was wondering if anyone could help. I don’t have any area preferences, and my budget is quite flexible as long as I feel it’s fair. Also I can move in later or earlier than the first of April of course.
I myself am super fluent in English, Japanese and currently enjoying studying German :)
If you have any info, please kindly contact me via WhatsApp +44 7398681196 or through email maya.erin0205@gmail.com . My direct phone number is +44 07727952190.
Thank you very much and warm wishes!