草木染めワークショップ Natural dye workshop in MUJI
玉ねぎの皮はレストランLoveburger berlin 100%vegan から提供されたものを使用します。
-染めるものは65cm/65cmのコットン(ドイツ) スカーフやデコレーション、風呂敷などにお使いいただけます。
日付: 7月28日(金) & 29日(土)
時間: 12:00〜14:00 / 15:00〜17:00 両日
場所: MUJI Berlin Ku’damm Flagship Store2階
料金 : 21,99€ (材料込)
チケット: チケットサイトにてご予約ください。
Yurika Saito
Natural Dye Workshop will be held in event at MUJI Berlin Ku’damm flagship store.
-You can choose red onion skins (pink) or turmeric (yellow) on the day.🧅🔴🟡
Onion skins are provided by Loveburger berlin 100% vegan
-The 2-hour workshop will include the process of dyeing cotton fabric, tying it with string and making your own fabric dyed with your own pattern.
-65cm/65cm cotton(from DE) can be used for scarves, decorations, furoshiki (wrapping cloth).
-At the same time, MUJI products, socks and tote bags can be available for purchase and dyeing.🧦
-The class will include a lesson on dyeing and an explanation of what happens when dyeing with everyday objects, coffee, tea, and vegetable peels.
-Through the experience of dyeing color everyday objects and enjoy the colors hidden in everyday life.
Date: Fri.27 & Sat.29
Time: 12:00-14:00/15:00-17:00 both days
Place: MUJI Berlin Ku’damm Flagship Store, 2. Etage
price 21,99€ inc. all materials
Booking ticket:
⭐︎Please bring a bag to take home the wet cloth after dyeing.
You can also please bring a bag of new onion skin to take home so that you can try dyeing at home again.🧅
Thanks @marikokeramik and MUJI Berlin Ku’damm Flagship
please ask me any questions, see you there!
Yurika Saito